Little hands

Little hands

Sunday, August 10, 2014


 Just recently, I've been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. This means that my pancreas does not make enough insulin. Yes, I am obese and also have a genetic predisposition to the disease so shame on me for not maintaining my health. Anyway, while I was in Austin for Mommy Con I did try to lose weight by diet and exercise. Mikah and I were there for almost 3 months and in that time I lost about 15% of my body weight. When I got home is when I found out I was now diabetic. Symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, increased appetite, sugar cravings, Candida, slow healing, and increased thirst. I had all of them and then some. A normal, basic healthy person's blood glucose (sugar) level should be 70-120 and mine was between 300 and 500, always. Though I am glad to say that, with the help of insulin and a pill, my levels are a lot lower now. Down to normal on some days.

 It really gets hard sometimes to follow a diabetic diet. I already am on restrictions because of lactose intolerance and beef intolerance (but if you know me then you know I still kill myself with ice cream) and so trying to maintain healthy habits with pre-existing conditions AND a poor financial situation causes some grief. I'm not making excuses, it just fact. I'm 25 years old and I was warned that this would happen, eventually. It's no one else's fault but my own for my health problems. I didn't really believe it would happen, though. I feel so cliche' saying it. So "teen" like. Obviously, I'm not invincible, but I was young, sort of healthy. Or, at least, I had my youth on my side. I could bounce back... Nope. I tell you one thing, having this sort of health problem reminds me just how human I am. How frail and fleeting my life is really. That sentence may seem dramatic to some, but if left untreated or treated poorly, I could lose my life.  Diabetes does have a mortality rate, no how matter it may seem in comparison to other health risks, and I'm not ready to check out.

 In addition to the insulin and the pill I take to manage my Diabetes, I also have to take Lipitor to manage my high cholesterol. Which, come to find out, is a side effect of unmanaged, high blood sugars. The side effects of all these medicines aren't nice, either. Though I know it'll be worth it if it gets me healthy enough that I can eventually get back on my feet and no longer need the meds. I need to learn NOT to indulge in my cravings. I know better, just bad habits. I try so hard to keep Mikah healthy so he doesn't get these problems but, I forgot about me. Parents tend to do that sometimes, don't we? Don't forget about yourself. Our children need us!

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