Little hands

Little hands

Monday, January 13, 2014


*This is not a promotional post. I have not and will not receive any special compensation for blogging about MommyCon (though that would be sa-weet!) and their sponsors. Though I do recommend you research them. :D*

 Hooray for MommyCon!!! What is a MommyCon? I'm so glad you asked! MommyCon is a safe haven for hippy parents like me! No, seriously. It's a safe haven/ festival/ fair for like-minded parents with forward thinking concepts. There are local birth professionals, baby brands you know and love, popular bloggers, and big-hit personalities. All or welcome, not just the hippy, AP, granola parents.(No offense.)

They head out all of the country through most major cities. They also have a Facebook page and I love that they interact with their followers. MommyCon hosts retailers like Ergo, Sloomb, Britax, and Motherlove and even give you free step-by-step instructions on baby wearing, how to safely install a car seat, and even give demonstrations.

 So why do I care so much? Well, I'm kind of like a kid in a candy store with this one. I've never been and really want to go. I live in a pretty decent sized town with a 30,000 population count, but there are hardly any like-minded parents here. Yea, we all want what's best for our children, but besides from a couple of my friends and a few strangers I've met along the way, no one here cloth diapers, baby wears, uses amber teething necklaces, do play-based learning, etc. I'm such a nerd for this stuff that whenever I'm at Wal-Mart and see another mom baby-wearing that I have to stop myself from giving them a high-five. I want to touch all of the cloth diapers, I want to try Mikah in some of the woven wraps, and I want to squeal with delight when I see Jessica from The Leaky Boob.

 I can see it now. I roll up in there with Mikah on my back, safely tucked into the Ergo while sporting his amber teething necklace nestled gently on top of his organic cotton t-shirt. Of course, his cloth diaper will have to be color-coordinated, just in case something happens to his pants... If only I can convince my husband to make the 4 hour trip.

 All of THAT being said, I just want to have a good time with mamas like me that push the norm for their kids, moms that think outside of the box yet thrive to get back down to basics. Community is what I'm after, even if I have to pay for it.

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