Little hands

Little hands

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Discipline and Toddlers

*This blog post is not bashing parents who do physically discipline their children. Choose what's right for your family as I will mine. Thanks for reading!*

 So besides the trouble I have with family members not following my son's restrictive diet, I also have a hard time getting them to lay off the discipline advice. None so much as my father. Now, I love my dad and I respect him in a way a daughter should respect her father, up until a point. My dad and I have a rough history together, but he's cleaned up his act enough that I allow him to be in mine and my son's life. I don't know if that right there leaves him thinking he can raise my child how he sees fit or what, but I'm not having it.

 My dad whipped me as a child, not spanked, whipped. I don't want to get into details but let me just say that he was very well known for losing his temper and losing control. He's not like he was and is still working out his anger issues, but not enough for me to trust him to physically discipline my child. I welcome advice from my elders on how to discipline Mikah because they've been through it and I do need ideas and help from time to time. I don't, however, need or want advice from teens and non-parents, nor do I want the old saying, "Spare the rod, spoil the child. Proverbs 13:24 " (which, depending on the version of text, it says nothing about a rod, only to chasten them if you love them. (paraphrasing) as the offered words of wisdom. I really don't care if that's what the Bible says to do. The Bible also says, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Exodus 22:18" but I'm not going on a witch hunt any time soon and neither is anyone else.

 Point being, I don't care who says it's right or how it worked for you. It doesn't work for my son, I won't be doing it to my son because of my own anger issues, and I would like others, especially my own father, to respect or at least acquiesce to my parenting style and wishes. Every child is different when it comes to things like this and Mikah isn't even 2 yet so, obviously, we're still trying to find our groove. Instead of petty, mumbled remarks behind my back or even blatant disrespect for my parenting journey, why not try some carefully chosen words and phrases like, "You're an excellent mother. Keep up the good work!" Or, "I know you can do it and Mikah's smart, he'll get the hang of it. Just be consistent. I love you both."

 See, not that hard. I bet even my dad wanted to hear that once in a while. Why do you think there are so many parents since his generation and on decided that whipping their kid weren't for them? Because maybe they have the scar(s) to prove it doesn't work.

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