Little hands

Little hands

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mother Knows Best

 So, are you a new mom or have a new babe in you life? Do you feel like a parent-outcast sometimes due to your choices? Do you want what is best for your child?

 I'm pretty sure that most of us moms, if not all, at least want what is best for our children but that can also lead to some pretty interesting views and parenting styles. Like me, I wanted/tried the exclusive breastfeeding, baby-wearing, BLW (baby-led-weaning), sign language, and cloth diapers, no Santa, and natural remedies for small illnesses. Some of these things worked out, some didn't. I had a plan, but had to learn what was the best fit for my family. Of course some of my family and friends, parents and non-parents alike, thought I was crazy or that I would never keep up with my goals. That I was too greedy in my wishes. Whatever, we are all still alive, healthy, and happy. It seems like I did something right.

 The thing that is a constant and drives me insane is that there are still certain family members and friends that roll their eyes at me or just blatantly do not follow my parenting lead for my son. Whatever it is that I do must be so offensive to them that I can't even discuss the latest study from the American Academy of Pediatrics without an eye roll and a defensive attitude or even leave my son with family trusting they won't feed him a food off of his intolerant or no-no list. I mean, hey, I can understand that I can be overwhelming at times with all of my info but I'm not trying to sell you on a new parenting style or study. Most of the time, I just want to discuss what I read because I either found it amusing or found it thought provoking. I definitely don't understand why people would think I'm overreacting when I don't let my dairy intolerant son have ice cream.

I do what I think is best for my child. Can't we all just get along and respect each other for our differences? If you deal with this, don't deal with it. I've stood up for myself countless times, and it will probably never end, but it has gotten better because they know where I stand. Where do you stand? How about we just sit and chat about our cares and woes together while sipping a dairy-free fruit smoothie and watch our toddlers eat a stick. After all, that's where it's really at. Right? Right.

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