Oh, you want to know what it is? Well, if you're as clever as I think you are then you already know it has something to do with cloth diapers. (Can't get anything over on you!) We lend cloth diapers to low income families that want to cloth diaper or just are looking for a cheaper way to diaper their babies. We supplement that start up cost by giving them diapers for a set amount of time while the family buys as many diapers as they need. Since a full stash of cloth diapers (24-28 diapers, not including accessories) can cost around $200-$500 upfront, this is great for those on a tight budget.
We also give information and advice about wash routines, different styles of diapers, and places to buy them. We have sponsors like Thirsties, KamSnaps, Knicker Nappies, and many more. There's even an online shop you can go to and purchase some cool merchandise to support us and spread awareness. See? Don't you want to be a walking, talking, breathing billboard? lol
There is also a Pay It Forward attitude with this organization that I love. We ask each family that participates in the program to volunteer at least 2 hours each month in way they can. There are many different ways to help like spreading flyers around their doctor's offices, mentoring new families, or even teach a class if your chapter has them. We want families to know they aren't alone and that they don't have to struggle between buying diapers and buying food. There is a way!
Don't need diapers? Sponsor a family by buying any number of items off of this list or just donating money to the foundation. You can donate to a local chapter or to the main office and it would be distributed to all from there. You never know who could benefit from this foundation. It could be you neighbor, co-worker, or even your sibling.
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