Of course, potty training means NO MORE DIAPERS! This is sort of a mixed bag for me. We were a cloth diapering family. Not only because it was healthier for Mikah, but because it was cheaper and easier on our budget. There were a few times I got frustrated with a certain type of cloth diaper but, all in all, I loved it. I loved showing off Mikah in the summer with big, cute diapers and spreading awareness to those curious enough to let their eyes settle on one of my Lovely Pocket Diapers or custom Bear Monkey Bottoms covers. That being said, I am SO happy to not have to change him every hour or do diaper laundry. No, it wasn't hard or inconvenient, I just find taking Mikah to the potty a heck of a lot better than changing his diaper. Mikah even knows how to wipe himself pretty well so that's almost no longer my job either.
No longer using cloth diapers means my stash is free to go to someone else. Most cloth diapers, if left in good condition, can sell for pretty close to what you bought it for. Some of mine need new elastic so I won't be selling them. Instead, I'm choosing to sanitize them (just in case) and donate them to a friend(s) in need. Of course, there are a few that WON'T be leaving me. I might have another child... someday... Cloth diapers can be of sentimental value, too!
I can't believe how fast Mikah has grown. He truly amazes me every day and teaches ME things I never ever thought I'd learn about life or about myself. I can't say I enjoy this potty training act. More like I'm being the one trained here. I know it's worth it, though, and makes room for our family to grow. Sorry it's been so long since I've written anything. Been SUPER busy here. Be on the look out for some interesting posts or suggest a post!
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